10 Problems with the Manosphere

For the past decade, there has been rise of pro-patriarchy groups in response to the effects of Feminism. Groups like Men's Rights Association (MRA), Men's Rights Movement (MRM), National Coalition for Men (NCFM), and MGTOW have recently gained significant popularity. Proponents of MGTOW claim that it is neither a movement nor a group, but rather a celibacy WAY of life : Men Going Their Own Way. That said, some issues mentioned here may not apply to that sect.

1. What they stand for is confusing

Unlike Feminist groups with clear messages of gender equality and women empowerment, it is not a walk in the park to know what these men's groups stand for. Though, what they stand against is more apparent - some stubborn women in society who just wont submit, do the house chores and zip it. From some of their complaints, it is easy to deduce that governments' evolving pro-women policies to the seeming detriment of men may also be seen as a problem. However, what is the message? I am yet to see a clear slogan that could, for example, be printed on a shirt.     

2. Excessive Misogyny

Most men in these Manosphere spaces have come from bitter experiences with feminists that trigger them to understandably vilify all women, including those sympathetic to their cause. This turns out to be counter-productive in many cases. On social media, my observation in these groups is that over 86% of the posts they share are either about feminist narrative they seem to disagree with, or a news item that affects them. The rest of the 14% are, in my opinion, messages that don't need to be said: "Don't be violent towards men", "Women are violent too", "when you do this, that is what you get", "Don't date a whore" etc. At least something you can teach. This, in contrast with feminist groups, just goes to show why those feminists are so efficient.

3. The Modern Shoe Does not Fit

Men have always been about action, not words. In a society that has come to take the feminine approach to be the gold standard of "civilized discourse", it is hard for masculine methods to fly, especially if those methods are exhibited by men. In fact, there is a popularized rhetoric adding a negative adjective (toxic) to further discourage men from subscribing to their own natural masculine instincts. While feminists can wear female instincts and be effective by merely complaining or ranting about something to effect change, men do not have this type of hypoagency-induced privilege. 

Historically, everything men have achieved, including what they attained for the sake of women, have been through fighting hard. Men mobilized, moved, marched, hunted, warred, aspired with vigor and this effectively brought about the change they sought. In modern times, however, those methods are considered to be savagely archaic, hence the saying: "the future is female" connotes that masculine men have no place in the future of western civilization, even if they built it. 

4. Lack of Moral Support

Even though these groups raise valid concerns like Family Court bias against men in divorce and Child Custody cases, false rape and domestic violence allegations, the sham ADHD diagnostics against young boys, increased male suicide rates amongst men, etc; society is already conditioned to see feminists as the underdogs in any contest between them and men. Consequently, Amber Heard throws bottles at Johnny Depp and burns him with a cigarette yet still has a majority of people seeing her as the victim rather than the aggressor. In fact, it takes a woman to talk about men's rights issues to get people to listen. Award-Winning Bettina Arndt in Australia, Karen Straughan in Canada, and Cassie Jaye here in the U.S. are just a few examples of women who have stepped up to be the voice for our boys and men.

5. Lack of Funding

Unlike the National Organization for Women (NOW), Office of Violence Against Women (OVW), and a multitude of other Feminist Organizations with a slew of never-ending social programs heavily funded by taxpayers, there is neither a single government-funded organization nor program for boys. The last male organization that received some funding from the government was Boys Scout which is now highly controversial. To make matters worse, the gofundme campaigns on issues related to men's rights get very little attention let alone donations. In some cases, the campaigns are banned for political incorrectness. 

6. Queerism Infiltration

Anything that proposes a notion that men live without women (or ignore them completely) is practically attractive to gay men to say the least. My prying eyes caught quite a bunch that struck me. "Men and Boys are also abused"? (victimhood) "time to redefine masculinity"? This one sounds like they have already been hijacked by hardcore lesbian feminists. If not, the "fetish" tendencies you'll not notice now though will be slowly revealed just like Catholic monasticism did.

7. Vague Leadership

It has always been unclear who runs the show with the boys. At the beginning, it was the likes of Daryush Valizadeh (AKA RooshV) who proposed that men who rape women in their houses should not be charged with a crime. He maintained several websites popular in the manosphere including ReturnOfKings on which women's morality issues were dissected and discussed. RooshV spoke in seminars, participated in virtual forums and became the prominent go-to voice when it came to men's/anti-women issues. After a few years run, the party was over with the Iranian-American culture-canceled by feminist elements. And then emerged Warren Farrell, PhD author of The Boy Crisis. The less radical voice rallied hundreds of men around his proposal to establish a White House Council on Boys and Men, as an opposite wing of the existing White House Council on Women. Warren Farrell appeared several times on Oprah Winfrey show and ironically sat on the Board of the National Organization for Women (NOW) until he faded as a voice for men. Makes you wonder which side he really was on. 

Just when it seemed there was a vacuum in the men's rights echo chamber, a new PhD star arose from the north - Professor Jordan Peterson, author of best selling "12 rules for life: An Antidote to Chaos" and a nightmare of every mainstream radical feminist. The Cynical Psychologist father of a daughter and a son was not particularly an anti-woman nor pro-man voice. Much of what he fantasized was a time when western civilization was not tearing itself apart along gender lines. He became radically popular after standing against Canada's Bill C-16 of June 2017 that mandates the use of a variety of custom gender pronouns in reference to queers, and criminalizes non-compliance. Peterson argued that the unprecedented bill infringes on rights to freedom of expression. As quickly as he was embraced by international men's rights movement, he was also demonized by mainstream radical liberals until his light was put out by a combination of western civilization-induced health complications. Now the most prominent voices for men's rights are women. 

Due to this lack of consistent leadership voices that defend men's rights, the movement is fast becoming a joke. Ponder for a second if men like Elon Musk, Brad Pitt and tons of other supposedly popular straight men would lend their voice to the movement? that would be a game-changer. Albeit those men will not, because they know what comes next. No celebrity wants to be canceled.

8. Lack of Commitment

The last surviving establishment that carries the word "Boys" faces serious crisis and covert conditions to either convert to queerism or be outright banned. There have been no male voices committed to keeping the masculine tradition of the Boys Scouts alive. As mentioned in #7, Warren Farrell's attempt to establish a White House Council on Boys was fiercely opposed by the same NOW which he boarded. His motives, though questionable, have not been backed by sufficient commitment to the cause. You cannot take the spotlight to sell books, yet chime in a little of what's supposedly the bigger cause of your spotlighting. It is that simple. 

This lack of commitment is conceivably why segregants like MGTOW and Passport Bros emerged.

9. Increased Restrictions

Liberal administrations, especially in the Western Hemisphere, are increasingly restricting causes directed toward the interest of men and boys, as part of concerted efforts to actualize "The Future is Female" goal in the UN 2030 agenda. Consequently, stricter measures are imposed against masculine culture, people are silenced, channels are canceled. This new trend poses a threat to the prospects of the Men's rights movement. Take for instance, while 3 separate days have been declared by the United Nations to celebrate women and girls globally, not only is none declared for boys and men but the only existing one (Fathers' Day) is significantly diminished. 

10. Isolation of men is no Solution

While it is natural for women to step-back or withdraw from a situation when things do not go our way, men are not designed like that. Take an example of a relationship between a man and a woman. If the woman feels hurt, her first instinct is to take sometime to herself and keep away from the man. The man, on the other hand, would be actively trying to re-engage with the woman simply because that is his nature. 

In a macro context, women can use their own negative emotions to rally each other away from men like Feminism does. However, it is not in the man's natural instincts to comply with binary gender segregation, especially for the wrong reasons. That is why Feminism as an ideology is highly successful in contrast with male isolationist ideologies like MGTOW, Inceldom, Black Pill, Passport Broism, etc.

As in the relationship example above, the man's instinct is to pursue, chase, win, conquer. In fact, women deliberately withdraw just to trigger the man's instinct to pursue/chase and get/fix/solve/repair which we find attractive. This is hard to explain in plain language but I think most women sense it the way I do. When women withdraw and men respond by withdrawing, that only worsens the situation because both sides try to retain the ego of not being the first to glue the broken line. Women will instinctively wait even if it takes forever. However, men isolating themselves and waiting are like wimps and dorks.