
Genderic is a focus, view, understanding or conceptualization of gender and gender issues from a natural scientific perspective balanced with untainted multi-cultural notions.

Genderic.com is an alternative common sense platform with an aim to balance predominantly occidentally liberal perspectives with other cultural views on global gender issues. This space is also for editors who wish to challenge or respond to the abundance of mainstream assertions that do not align with simple observable realities. We also welcome authors who wish to counter big money research, junk science, inaccurate statistics and politically correct falsities and their effect on society. This is the other perspective.

What we are

Alternative theorists, anti-agenda, anti-conspiracy, anti-racism, anti-sexism, anti-classism, anti-imperialism, to mention a few...

We are a community of commonsense people simply trying to keep common sense alive. If what you see here resonates with your digital echo chamber, you are welcome to contribute your thoughts, research data and other useful information here. We also welcome civil point-based arguments in the comment section.

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