Data Deletion

Account and Data Deletion

Summary: In accordance with this supplementary article to our terms of use and privacy policy, we may, at our own discretion, delete your account and data if your use of this platform has been found to violate any of our terms of use. Additionally, we may exercise this policy in event that you:

  • posted derogatory language and/or posted insulting elements that may be offensive to others;
  • posted sexually sensitive language and/or other pornographic content;
  • posted content or remarks promoting child abuse; 
  • posted content that constitutes copyright infringement;
  • posted content or remarks promoting violence; 
  • posted content or remarks promoting drug abuse; and/or
  • posted content or remarks promoting racism and/or other forms of discrimation; 

However, in non-violation of terms and in absence of automated options, user may wish to delete account and/or data via one of the following options:


1 Through contact form

User may request to delete acount and/or data by using the contact form, select "Other" to send deletion request while the login session is active. The request should be brief and coincise.


2 Through registered email

Alternatively, user may send request to "" from the email address with which the user registered for the account. If that email is no longer accessible, user may send the request via another email but must provide the following details for verfication: 

a. Email address used to open the account;

b. Full name as it appears on the account; 

c. Date of birth as it appears on the account; 

d. User's last estimated login date; and 

c. User's last action or page viewed in the last login session. 


3 Deletion and Compliance Policy

Deletion request shall be responded to with a verification link to which user must click within 24 hours to confirm the request. Without court order or subpoena on the specific account or the entire platform, account will be deleted within 48 hours. For accounts registered through social media (facebook, google and/or twitter), account will be deleted instantly.