For the past decade, there has been rise of pro-patriarchy groups in response to the effects of Feminism. Groups like Men's Rights Association (MRA), Men's Rights Movement (MRM), National Coalition for Men (NCFM), and MGTOW have recently gained significant popularity. Proponents of MGTOW claim that it is neither a movement nor a group, but rather a celibacy WAY of life : Men Going Their Own Way. That said, some issues mentioned here may not apply to that sect.
10 Problems with the Manosphere

10. Isolation of men is no Solution

While it is natural for women to step-back or withdraw from a situation when things do not go our way, men are not designed like that. Take an example of a relationship between a man and a woman. If the woman feels hurt, her first instinct is to take sometime to herself and keep away from the man. The man, on the other hand, would be actively trying to re-engage with the woman simply because that is his nature. 

In a macro context, women can use their own negative emotions to rally each other away from men like Feminism does. However, it is not in the man's natural instincts to comply with binary gender segregation, especially for the wrong reasons. That is why Feminism as an ideology is highly successful in contrast with male isolationist ideologies like MGTOW, Inceldom, Black Pill, Passport Broism, etc.

As in the relationship example above, the man's instinct is to pursue, chase, win, conquer. In fact, women deliberately withdraw just to trigger the man's instinct to pursue/chase and get/fix/solve/repair which we find attractive. This is hard to explain in plain language but I think most women sense it the way I do. When women withdraw and men respond by withdrawing, that only worsens the situation because both sides try to retain the ego of not being the first to glue the broken line. Women will instinctively wait even if it takes forever. However, men isolating themselves and waiting are like wimps and dorks.


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