For the past decade, there has been rise of pro-patriarchy groups in response to the effects of Feminism. Groups like Men's Rights Association (MRA), Men's Rights Movement (MRM), National Coalition for Men (NCFM), and MGTOW have recently gained significant popularity. Proponents of MGTOW claim that it is neither a movement nor a group, but rather a celibacy WAY of life : Men Going Their Own Way. That said, some issues mentioned here may not apply to that sect.
10 Problems with the Manosphere

1. What they stand for is confusing

Unlike Feminist groups with clear messages of gender equality and women empowerment, it is not a walk in the park to know what these men's groups stand for. Though, what they stand against is more apparent - some stubborn women in society who just wont submit, do the house chores and zip it. From some of their complaints, it is easy to deduce that governments' evolving pro-women policies to the seeming detriment of men may also be seen as a problem. However, what is the message? I am yet to see a clear slogan that could, for example, be printed on a shirt.     


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