For the past decade, there has been rise of pro-patriarchy groups in response to the effects of Feminism. Groups like Men's Rights Association (MRA), Men's Rights Movement (MRM), National Coalition for Men (NCFM), and MGTOW have recently gained significant popularity. Proponents of MGTOW claim that it is neither a movement nor a group, but rather a celibacy WAY of life : Men Going Their Own Way. That said, some issues mentioned here may not apply to that sect.
10 Problems with the Manosphere

8. Lack of Commitment

The last surviving establishment that carries the word "Boys" faces serious crisis and covert conditions to either convert to queerism or be outright banned. There have been no male voices committed to keeping the masculine tradition of the Boys Scouts alive. As mentioned in #7, Warren Farrell's attempt to establish a White House Council on Boys was fiercely opposed by the same NOW which he boarded. His motives, though questionable, have not been backed by sufficient commitment to the cause. You cannot take the spotlight to sell books, yet chime in a little of what's supposedly the bigger cause of your spotlighting. It is that simple. 

This lack of commitment is conceivably why segregants like MGTOW and Passport Bros emerged.


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