For the past decade, there has been rise of pro-patriarchy groups in response to the effects of Feminism. Groups like Men's Rights Association (MRA), Men's Rights Movement (MRM), National Coalition for Men (NCFM), and MGTOW have recently gained significant popularity. Proponents of MGTOW claim that it is neither a movement nor a group, but rather a celibacy WAY of life : Men Going Their Own Way. That said, some issues mentioned here may not apply to that sect.
10 Problems with the Manosphere

2. Excessive Misogyny

Most men in these Manosphere spaces have come from bitter experiences with feminists that trigger them to understandably vilify all women, including those sympathetic to their cause. This turns out to be counter-productive in many cases. On social media, my observation in these groups is that over 86% of the posts they share are either about feminist narrative they seem to disagree with, or a news item that affects them. The rest of the 14% are, in my opinion, messages that don't need to be said: "Don't be violent towards men", "Women are violent too", "when you do this, that is what you get", "Don't date a whore" etc. At least something you can teach. This, in contrast with feminist groups, just goes to show why those feminists are so efficient.


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