For the past decade, there has been rise of pro-patriarchy groups in response to the effects of Feminism. Groups like Men's Rights Association (MRA), Men's Rights Movement (MRM), National Coalition for Men (NCFM), and MGTOW have recently gained significant popularity. Proponents of MGTOW claim that it is neither a movement nor a group, but rather a celibacy WAY of life : Men Going Their Own Way. That said, some issues mentioned here may not apply to that sect.
10 Problems with the Manosphere

4. Lack of Moral Support

Even though these groups raise valid concerns like Family Court bias against men in divorce and Child Custody cases, false rape and domestic violence allegations, the sham ADHD diagnostics against young boys, increased male suicide rates amongst men, etc; society is already conditioned to see feminists as the underdogs in any contest between them and men. Consequently, Amber Heard throws bottles at Johnny Depp and burns him with a cigarette yet still has a majority of people seeing her as the victim rather than the aggressor. In fact, it takes a woman to talk about men's rights issues to get people to listen. Award-Winning Bettina Arndt in Australia, Karen Straughan in Canada, and Cassie Jaye here in the U.S. are just a few examples of women who have stepped up to be the voice for our boys and men.


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